Long-term services and supports (LTSS)
Long-term services and supports (LTSS) assist older adults and individuals with disabilities in living at home for as long as possible or transitioning back into the community. This program offers and organizes Home- and Community- Based Services (HCBS) benefits in addition to primary, acute, behavioral, and long-term care. These services can be received in your home, an assisted living center, or other community settings.
Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) are programs with a system of community-based supports and services for people with disabilities. These programs empower individuals to live an engaged life within their communities, and actively participate in their own care. The specific services are unique for each waiver program.
Autism waiver services
- Family Adjustment Counseling
- Parent Support and Training (peer-to-peer)
- Respite Care
- Financial Management Services for Self-Direction
Brain Injury (BI) waiver services
- Enhanced Care Services
- Financial Management Services
- Home-Delivered Meals
- Home and Environmental Modification Services
- Medication Reminder Services
- Personal Emergency Response System and Installation
- Personal Care Services
- Rehabilitation therapies: Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy, Speech-Language Therapy, and Occupational Therapy
- Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies
- Transitional Living Skills
- Vehicle Modification Services
Frail Elderly waiver services
- Adult Day Care
- Comprehensive Support
- Enhanced Care Services
- Financial Management Services
- Home Telehealth
- Home and Environmental Modification Services
- Medication Reminder
- Nursing Evaluation Visit
- Oral Health Services
- Personal Care Services
- Personal Emergency Response
- Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies
- Vehicle Modification Services
- Wellness Monitoring
Intellectual/Developmental Disability (I/DD) waiver services
- Adult Day Supports
- Children's Integrated Community Supports
- Enhanced Care Services
- Financial Management Services
- Home & Environmental Modification Services
- Overnight Respite
- Personal Care Services
- Medical Alert - Rental
- Residential Supports for Adults
- Residential Supports for Children
- Specialized Medical Care
- Specialized Medical Equipment & Supplies
- Supported Employment
- Vehicle Modification Services
- Wellness Monitoring
Physical Disability (PD) waiver services
- Enhanced Care Services
- Financial Management Services
- Home-Delivered Meals
- Medication Reminder Services
- Personal Emergency Response System and Installation
- Personal Care Services
- Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies
- Vehicle Modification Services
Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) waiver services
- Attendant Care
- Independent Living/Skills Building
- Parent Support and Training
- Professional Resource Family Care
- Short Term Respite Care
- Wraparound Facilitation
Technology Assisted (TA) waiver services
- Financial Management Services
- Health Maintenance Monitoring
- Home Modification
- Intermittent Intensive Medical Care
- Medical Respite
- Personal Care Services
- Specialized Medical Care
Understanding care coordination
Healthy Blue wants to make sure all KanCare members can live, learn, work, and enjoy life in the setting of their choice. For most members, that means remaining in their homes and in their communities. Other members may prefer to reside in a long-term care or nursing facility. We’ll work with you, your doctors, and other agencies involved in your care to help coordinate the services you need — including services delivered in your home or community — to live independently for as long as possible. This is called care and service coordination.
A care coordinator helps Healthy Blue members who are receiving long-term services and supports (LTSS) and Home- and Community- Based services (HCBS). They will be your primary contact person for questions about your long-term care services. They will check in on you monthly, quarterly or more often if needed. Your Care Coordinator will work with you to make a Person-Centered Service Plan, to help you access long-term care services, as well as medical, social, housing, educational, and other supports. Your Person-Centered Service Plan will help you:
Build or maintain relationships with your families and friends.
Live as independently as possible.
Engage in productive activities, such as volunteerism or employment.
Participate in community life.
Plan of Service/Person-Centered Service Plan
Your care coordinator will contact you to create a specific plan of care based on your preferences and needs. This is called a Person-Centered Service Plan (PCSP). Your Person-Centered Service Plan can include specific objectives, goals, and action steps to meet your identified needs. Your Person-Centered Service Plan can help you access long-term care services, as well as medical, social, housing, educational, and other supports.
Your Person-Centered Service Plan can help you:
Build or maintain relationships with your families and friends.
Live as independently as possible.
Engage in productive activities, such as volunteerism or employment.
Participate in community life.
Your care coordinator will check in on you monthly, quarterly, or more often depending on your needs. Your care coordinator will ensure your Person-Centered Service Plan still meets your needs and adjust it accordingly.
Questions about eligibility
For more information about your eligibility for services, view the HCBS Access Guide (English) or HCBS Access Guide (Spanish).
Medical care is just the beginning
With Healthy Blue, you’ll also have access to a wide range of services, including prescription drugs, vision care, and behavioral healthcare.
The member handbook: Everything you need to know
Your member handbook is your go-to guide for health services. Read it to find out about:
How to use your benefits.
How to choose a primary care provider (PCP).
How to get help if your doctor’s office is closed.
How to reach Member Services if you have questions.
Your rights and responsibilities as a Healthy Blue member.
Member Handbook (Spanish) - (Coming soon)